Pebbly Measuring Jug 200ml Blue

  • $18.99

Pebbly’s measuring jug has clear and colored graduations for easy reading. Four types of graduations are listed: sugar, flour and rice are graduated in grams, whilst liquids can be measured in milliliters, centiliters, deciliters and liters. The four graduation choices for liquids make it easier to take precise measurements and avoid complicated and tedious conversions. The Pebbly measuring jug has been designed in borosilicate glass, giving it excellent heat resistance up to 300°C. It can be used in the microwave and refrigerator. For example, you can measure the amount of milk you want, heat the jug in the microwave and then continue with food preparation! Its multi-use function makes it a kitchen essential. The jug’s spout allows you to pour liquid or solid food easily from one container to another. Its ergonomic handle also offers excellent grip to aid transportation. The jug has a removable silicone base, guaranteeing easy washing and great, shock-resistant stability.